In the sun-soaked city of Copenhagen, STAMM took audiences to a rooftop basketball court at a local primary school. The show kicked off with a troupe of children releasing carrier pigeons from crates, in a nod from founder Elisabet Stamm to the power of youthful energy. The collection, aptly titled, Best Wishes, sent a message of positivity – physically and metaphorically.
Toying with the playful energy of anime, models wore bleached spiky wigs, blue contact lenses, larger-than-life soft jackets, pastel hues, and acid-wash denim. Stamm, a previous Zalando Sustainability Award winner, kept the focus on material innovation, using fabrics like Tencel, laser-burned denim, and carbon-dyed nylon. While the STAMM wardrobe is perhaps best suited to Gen-Zers, it was positive to see how sustainable approaches to design can still achieve the cool factor.