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Through the Grapevine
Providing one of your five a day in style
Food glorious food! Combining two of our fav things, food, and jewellery, Georg Jensen’s charming grape collection is a feast for the eyes. Whether you’re sneaking them into your daily jewellery rotation or placing them centre stage, these fine little grapes are sure to add intrigue.
Tomato girls, strawberry makeup, tinned fish fashion, and stuffed olive nail art. It’s safe to say you really are what you eat these days, with TikTok and Instagram run amok with beautiful and sometimes bizarre ways of incorporating your favourite food into more than just your diet. So allow us to introduce you to our new snack of choice: Georg Jensen’s Moonlight Grapes, good enough to grace your fruit bowl and your jewellery box. Allow us to introduce you to another tasting of culinary couture with Georg Jensen’s grape jewellery.
Red or green? Little or large? Well, Georg’s Moonlight Grapes collection (much finer than even Tesco’s finest) attends to all these juicy nuances by offering sumptuous renderings in 18 karat gold or sterling silver pieces. With bunches of plump grapes and clusters of mini ones forming vine-like bangles and necklaces. Whether you’re a fiend for the fruit or are more partial to occasionally being fed them by your lover as you recline on a chaise lounge (relatable right?), the collection features amped up chunkier pieces or more delicate offerings.
Our personal favourites include the medium ring, poised like a miniature bunch of grapes atop the band, with the silver beads attached to a stem, curving around your finger and adding intrigue to your jewellery rotation. The smaller version makes the perfect stacking piece, sneaking a few grapes into the mix and keeping your favourite fruit close at heart and hand.