At Because Magazine we are committed to respecting your privacy. This policy is designed to give information about how we collect and use personal information from visitors to our website and subscribers to our newsletter, and how we keep it secure.

By using our website you accept the terms of this policy.

Because Magazine does not disclose, share or sell the personal information of our website visitors to any third party companies. We use Google Analytics to collect information about traffic to This tool allows us to understand how you are engaging with and enables us to improve your experience of our website. This tool does not provide us with access to personal information, such as IP addresses, and the collected information is aggregated and anonymised.

If you subscribe to our newsletter, you will be asked for your full name and email address.  This information is used to send you our weekly newsletter. Occasionally we may use it to provide other updates and relevant marketing for Because Magazine.

At Because Magazine we never misuse the data of our newsletter subscribers or share it with any third party companies.  We use MailChimp as our marketing automation platform. By submitting the newsletter form, you acknowledge that the information you provide will be transferred to MailChimp for processing in accordance with their Privacy Policy and Terms.

You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by contacting us at We will store your information until you unsubscribe.

Articles on the Because Magazine website include links to third party websites, including in our Shop section. These links are provided on a contextual basis. Because Magazine is not responsible for the content, business practices or privacy practices of third party websites. We will never actively link you to a website that we believe is irrelevant to the article in which they appear.

We use the third-party platform rewardStyle to redirect you to these websites. This platform collects information on how visitors are engaging with our website and the websites that we link to. By clicking on these links, you acknowledge that this information will be transferred to the rewardStyle platform for processing in accordance with their Privacy Policy.

You are welcome to contact us via post or email. The contact details are provided on this website. If you choose to do so Because Magazine will not use your personal information for any purpose other than your query. 

If you have any questions about our privacy policy write to us at